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Code For Kids is a program that was started from an idea in early spring of 2013. At the time, we had no other programs like it. It was a one of a kind (for the most part). Over the years, Code For Kids has grown and we have had so many wonderful experiences teaching kids across Central Canada.

Over the course of the last 2 years, Code For Kids has touched the lives of over 600 kids through more than 30 events, as well as months of dedicated one-on-one tutoring in Ottawa. We will never forget the joy it gave us to watch young girls and boys figuring out tricky problems, creating new things and having fun. We watched them struggle through their frustration to develop amazing and interesting things. We will never forget the pride that our participants had in their accomplishments. We thank you for helping us to succeed in inspiring kids to code.

Over the past few years, we have had a number of helping hands, and we really appreciated all the help. Moving forward, we have lost many of those valuable resources as they have moved on to other things. For that reason, Code For Kids is saying farewell; happy in the knowledge that we have inspired and helped to raise awareness in the importance of teaching coding to the next generation. We leave you with a list of resources for your use:

A Huge Thanks To Our Sponsors

  • http://www.comptia.org/
  • http://cira.ca
  • http://shopify.ca
  • http://google.ca
  • http://adobe.ca
  • http://www.netcelerate.com/
  • http://cloud66.com

We will be leaving our Wiki page for some time so that people may continue to use its content.

I know so many of you are just starting on your journey with code, and may still be confused. I encourage you to take a look at the resources listed and search around Google!

Thank you so much for the last few years and all the best in the future,

Julian Nadeau

Founder, Code For Kids

A friendly hello!

Posted on 3

Hello everyone - I'm Matt. I've recently joined the Code For Kids team to help out as its Marketing Manager. That means I'll be helping to promote and build the Code For Kids brand as we seek world domi... erm... code inspiration.

My interests have always been in digital. One summer, when I was about 11 or 12, I had the choice of going to a summer camp or doing something otherwise productive with my time. That's when I decided to learn HTML. Seeing as I'm now 25 - you may be able to appreciate how far things have come since then. That summer changed the way I took on challenges. I learned that if you really wanted to learn something, you had the ability to go out there and do it (and this was before great resources like CodeAcademy). Of course, the websites I built back then were nothing like what can be done today - but it nevertheless gave me a start, and more importantly - a feeling that even if something seemed really complicated, I could learn it if I applied myself.

Now, for some of you - that may seem "fluffy". But for me, it's the exact feeling that I want to be a part of bringing to every child that participates in Code For Kids. In an age where kids will never know the fine luxuries of film-based cameras, dial-up modems or music on cassettes, and where platforms are more open to develop on than ever, no one should be limited in making their dreams digital. Whether it's building a blog and sharing their thoughts with 7 billion people, or inventing an all new way to do so; code literacy is quickly becoming as important as knowing how to read and write.

Of course, it has to start somewhere: that's what we're here to help with.

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